Sunday, October 24, 2010

Triceratops Pumpkin

Leif and I carved a pumpkin this morning, and he wanted it to be a triceratops. We scooped out the guts of the pumpkin, then Leif traced and cut the triceratops from his dinosaur book. I traced his cutout onto the pumpkin and carved the details of the dinosaur. Then we put a candle in it and took a picture. Although it isn't visible in this picture, there are pumpkin seeds glued on, lining the curve of the triceratops' plated skull.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cuttlefish Project

Still taking inspiration from the IMAX film, Leif wanted to do a project with cuttlefish. Note the cuttlefish eating the crab, just like in the film. Also a sea turtle eating a jellyfish, a swordfish eating a porcupine fish and a crab dining on a limpet. My favorite is the giant clam; Leif traced, cut and colored it all himself, all I did was outline with black marker. He also colored the highlights in the turtle's shell with various shades of green. He also traced the swordfish and the limpet; I am impressed at how much he is doing on his own without help since we started doing projects together in January!