Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chambered nautilus

Leif saw these magnificent creatures in the IMAX film "Under the Sea" and also in his Zoology book. He painted a background while I traced the nautiluses, then he wanted red kelp like in the movie, so I cut some tissue paper which he glued onto the paper once the paint dried. I detailed the natiluses and Leif put them onto the painting. These are really cool animals!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Shark Project

This was a multi-day project; first we went to the library to find a couple of books on sharks, then Leif picked out the ones he wanted. I traced them, then we glued the tracing paper onto cardstock to make patterns. While I was cutting out and detailing the sharks and swordfish, Leif mixed blue and green paint, then painted the deep ocean. He also cut some rocks for the sharks to hide behind. Emma Kate and her Mom also helped us with his project. In this project are great white sharks, reef sharks, hammerhead sharks, basking sharks, leopard sharks, zebra sharks, whale sharks, tiger sharks swordfish, and a mosaic shark I can't name.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dragon Project

Leif decided he wanted to do a dragon project. This actually took a couple of days. He painted the background and cut trees and rivers, then picked a dragon from google images and decided he wanted rainbow colors. He then chose three colors per dragon to fill in details. Then, he wanted to make fish for the dragons to eat, and lastly, he used tissue paper to create the fire for the dragons' breath.