Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cretaceous Period Sea Creatures

Leif and I watched BBC’s “Chased by Dinosaurs, Sea Monsters”. As Nigel Marvin travels back in time to dive with prehistoric sea creatures, we learned all about the 7 Deadliest Seas, from the Devonian to the Cretaceous, which inspired us to do a Cretaceous Sea project. In this project are Mosasaurs, Pterodons, an Ichthysaurus, Plesiosaurs, ‘killer fish’ and Giant Sea Squid and Giant Sea Turtles. Leif thinks Nigel Marven is the ‘coolest dude’ on earth!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Leaves in a Pond

I gave Leif a sticker sheet of fall leaves today, he decided they should go in a pond to be reflected upon and enjoyed.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Scarlet Macaw

Even though Leif tells me this inspiration doesn’t come from Diego, who ever heard of a scarlet macaw before this tv show? LOL I was very happy to help him make this beautiful project.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pelican Project

Given the crisis in the Gulf, I showed Leif some of the animals affected by the crisis. He wanted to make an oil-dipped pelican so we searched google images, but he fell in love with this Chilean pelican instead.