Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whale Ocean

Taking inspiration again from the "Mailbox Friends Arts/Crafts", we copied patterns of whales to paste for a whale project. We used blue fingerpaint to create an ocean, waxed paper for the waves, and we cut out orca, beluga, sperm, and humpback whale patterns using construction paper and glued them to the ocean background. This project took us two days to complete between background, patterns, waves, and whales.

What is really striking to my untrained art-eyes is how linear Leif pasted all the whales, they are either exactly horizontal or exactly vertical.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hyacinth Macaw

Since we had so much fun with the penguin, I asked Leif if he'd like to make another bird. I suggested a macaw thinking he'd want to do the scarlet macaw so popular with Diego, but he seemed to remember the Hyacinth macaw at the Stone Zoo so that's what we made instead.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Leif and I made a penguin using a toilet paper tube, construction paper, and googly eyes. We took the inspiration from the January 2000 version of "Mailbox Arts and Crafts" that showed us how. We had so much fun we decided there would be a lot more birds to follow.